Every challenge need clear Rules

See Our evaluation Process

Scroll down and check what the next phases of the challenge look like

Phase 1

This initial phase is your entry point into the Funded.Global challenge, focusing on evaluating your trading skills within specific conditions.

Upon completing this phase, you'll gain access to the next phase within a few hours, moving you closer to achieving your trading objectives.

Phase 2

Also known as the verification phase, this stage, easier due to a lowered Profit Target, is designed to confirm your trading skills.

After completing this phase, a short KYC verification process will be conducted to ensure all is in order before proceeding.

Global Account

After completing both phases you'll be awarded a Global Account. In this phase, you get to keep 80% of the gains generated from your trades as a reward.

This setup highlights the substantial earning potential offered by trading with Funded.Global, allowing you to reap the benefits of your trading expertise.

Details for Goals to Achieve

All examples below are presented on a 100,000 account

Choose Category

Phase 1 - Profit Target


The Profit Target refers to the specified amount of profit that needs to be achieved during each phase of the Challenge, without violating any rules and trading parameters. It is calculated based on the profits realised from closed positions only, with open positions not being considered. The value of the Profit Target is determined by the following formula:

Profit Target = Initial Balance * Profit Target Percentage

Here 'Initial Balance' denotes the starting value of the account for each phase, and 'Profit Target Percentage' is the percentage figure selected at the time of purchasing the Challenge.

It is crucial to note that achieving the Profit Target must be accomplished without violating any other rules or parameters set for the Challenge.

The table below shows the Profit Target values for the respective Initial Balance, for Phase 1

Initial Balance

$5 000

$10 000

$25 000

$50 000

$100 000

$200 000

Profit Target  9%



$2 250

$4 500

$9 000

$18 000

Profit Target  10%



$2 500

$5 000

$10 000

$20 000


John participates in the Challenge with an Initial Account Balance of $100,000 and selects a Profit Target Percentage of 10% for Phase 1. In this scenario, to successfully complete Phase 1, John needs to increase his Account Balance to at least $110,000 ($100,000 + ($100,000 * 10%) = $110,000), reaching a Profit Target of $10,000.
Achieving this Account Balance of $110,000 or higher, without breaching any trading rules or parameters, signifies that John has successfully passed Phase 1.



In the context of the Challenge described in the Example, if the Account Equity exceeds $115,000 (which is above the required $110,000) but upon closing all positions, the Account Balance is only $109,000, will the Profit Target be considered as met?

No, the Profit Target would not be considered as met in this scenario. To successfully pass the Challenge phase, John must achieve an Account Balance of at least $110,000, as per the Profit Target set at 10% of the initial $100,000. The Account Equity exceeding $115,000 indicates potential profit, but for the purpose of meeting the Profit Target, only the final Account Balance after closing all positions considered. Therefore, with an Account Balance of $109,000, John falls short of the required $110,00, meaning the Profit Target has not been achieved, and the conditions for completing this phase of the Challenge have not been met.


In the context of the Challenge described in the Example, if John's Account Balance reaches $111,000 (exceeding the required $110,000) but he has open positions, is the Profit Target considered to be met?

No, the Profit Target is not considered to be met if there are open positions that could potentially change the Account Balance. The Profit Target is evaluated based on profits realised from closed positions only. Therefore, until all positions are closed and the Account Balance is confirmed to be at least $110,000, the Profit Target cannot be declared as achieved. This ensures that the achievement of the Profit Target is based on realised, not potential profits.


In the context of the Challenge described in the Example, if John's Account Balance reaches $110,000, and all positions have been closed, has the Profit Target been met?

Yes, if John's Account Balance has reached $110,000, and all positions are closed, then the Profit Target is considered to have been met. The determination of meeting the Profit Target is based on the Account Balance after all positions have been closed. In this scenario, since John has no open positions and his Account Balance is equal the set target, he has successfully achieved the Profit Target for this phase of the Challenge.

Maximum Daily Loss


The Maximum Daily Loss represents the maximum allowable loss that the Account Equity cannot exceed within a single day. This value is calculated as a percentage of the Account Balance at Day Start, set at 5% for all phases, according to the formula:

Maximum Daily Loss = Account Balance at Day Start * 5%

This rule can also be referred to as the daily stop loss level. Each day at UTC+2, this parameter is reset, the Account Balance is recorded, and a daily stop loss level is established, which must not be exceeded at any point during the day.

Daily Stop Loss Level = Account Balance at Day Start – Maximum Daily Loss


For a challenge account with an Account Balance at Day Start of $100,000, the Maximum Daily Loss value is $5,000 ($100,000 * 5% = $5,000).
For a challenge account with an Account Balance at Day Start of $97,000, the Maximum Daily Loss value is $4,850 ($97,000 * 5% = $4,850).



Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day is $100,000, if at any point the Account Equity reaches a low of $96,000, has the rule been broken?

No, the rule has not been broken. The Maximum Daily Loss of $5,000 allows for the Account Equity to decrease by up to daily stop loss level $95,000 ($100,000 -$5,000). Since the lowest Account Equity of $96,000 does not exceed this $95,000. The Maximum Daily Loss has not been violated.


Assuming that John achieved a profit of $4,000 the previous day, making his Account Balance at the start of the day $104,000. If during the day the Account Equity dropped to $98,000 but ended the day, after closing all positions, at $101,000, has the rule been broken?

Yes, the rule has been broken. With the starting Account Balance of $104,000, the daily stop loss level would be set at $98,800 ($104,000 - $5,200). Since the Account Equity dropped to $98,000, which is below the daily stop loss threshold of $98,800, the Maximum Daily Loss rule was violated. The drop below this level indicates that the loss exceeded the permissible limit, even though the Account Balance recovered to $101,000 by the end of the day.


Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day was $102,000, the daily stop loss level for Maximum Daily Loss is $96,900 ($102,000 - $5,100). During the day, John achieved a profit of $4,000 on closed positions. Having all positions closed, John opened another position which at some point resulted in a $7,000 loss, reaching a level of $99,000 ($102,000 + $4,000 - $7,000). Has the rule been broken?

No, the rule has not been broken during that trading day. The crucial factor is the Account Equity's lowest level compared to the daily stop loss level. Since the Account Equity did not drop below the daily stop loss level of $96,900, the Maximum Daily Loss rule has not been violated within that day.

However, if John does not close the positions by UTC+2 and his loss remains at $7,000 into the new trading day, and assuming his Account Balance at the start of the new day was $106,000 (reflecting the previous day's closing balance and any overnight adjustments), the new daily stop loss level would be $100,700 ($106,000 - $5,300). With a loss of $7,000, his Account Equity would be $99,000 ($106,000 - $7,000), which is below the new daily stop loss threshold of $100,700. This scenario results in a breach of the Maximum Daily Loss rule for the new day because the Account Equity dropped below the daily stop loss level set for that day.

Maximum Overall Loss


The Maximum Overall Loss represents the maximum allowable loss that the Account Equity cannot exceed during the account duration. This value is calculated as a percentage of the Initial Balance, which ranges from 8% to 10%, depending on the selection made during the purchase process, calculated as follows:

Maximum Overall Loss = Initial Balance * Maximum Overall Loss Percentage

It's important to highlight that the Account Equity encompasses all closed positions, open positions, as well as any fees, commissions, and swaps.

‍This parameter is also identified as the account stop loss level, a critical threshold that must not be breached at any stage while the account is active.

Overall Stop Loss Level = Account Balance - Maximum Overall Loss


For a challenge account with an Initial Balance of $100,000 and a Maximum Overall Loss Percentage of 10%, the Maximum Overall Loss value is $10,000 ($100,000 *10% = $10,000). In this case ‘Overall Stop Loss Level’ is $90,000.



Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day is $96,000, if at any point the Account Equity reaches a low of $92,000, has the rule been broken?

No, the rule has not been broken during that trading day.
Since the lowest Account Equity of $92,000 does not exceed $90,000 level. The Maximum Overall Loss has not been violated.


Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day is $94,000, if at any point the Account Equity reaches a low of $89,000, has the rule been broken?

Yes, the rule has been broken. Since the equity dropped to $89,000, it has fallen below the Overall Stop Loss Level, violating the Maximum Overall Loss rule.


Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day is $94,000, if at any point the Account Equity reaches a low of $90,000, has the rule been broken?

No, the rule has not been broken, as the rule states that the 'Maximum Overall Loss' represents the maximum allowable loss that the Account Equity cannot exceed. The Account Equity reached a low of $90,000 but did not exceed the value.

Minimum Trading Days


The Minimum Trading Days parameter specifies the minimum number of trading days a trader is required to trade. For the P1 and P2 levels, this minimum is set at 4 days. To count a day as a trading day, at least one position must be opened. For positions held over multiple days, only the day on which the position was initially opened is counted as the trading day. This parameter does not apply to the Global phase.

This regulation is designed to ensure active market participation throughout the Challenge, fostering consistent trading behavior and discouraging any form of passive involvement.

It is crucial to highlight that accounts with no trading activity, defined as those without any open transactions, for 30 consecutive days will be closed. This measure is to maintain an active and vibrant trading environment by ensuring continued trader engagement.


For a Challenge account Phase 1 the Minimum Trading Days is 4.



If John opens a position on Monday and closes it on Thursday, how many trading days does this count as for John?

This counts as one trading day for the account.  Despite the position being held open across multiple days, only the day of the position's opening (Monday) is counted as a trading day according to the Minimum Trading Days parameter.


If John opens a position on Monday, opens another position on Tuesday, opens a third positionon Wednesday, and then opens another position the following Monday, has he met the Minimum Trading Days requirement?

Yes, John has met the Minimum Trading Days requirement. By opening one position each on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and the following Monday, John has actively traded on four different days. This activity fulfills the minimum requirement of 4 trading days as specified for the P1 and P2 levels.


If John does not open another position within the last 30 days from the opening of his last position, will the rule regarding account activity be violated?

Yes, if John does not open another position within 30 days from the opening of his last position, it will violate the account activity rule. According to the regulations, it is crucial for John to maintain active trading within a specified timeframe to keep his account status active.

Phase 2 - Profit Target


The Profit Target refers to the specified amount of profit that needs to be achieved during each phase of the Challenge, without violating any rules and trading parameters. It is calculated based on the profits realised from closed positions only, with open positions not being considered. This value is calculated as a percentage of the Initial Balance, set at 5% for Phase 2, according to the formula:

Profit Target = Initial Balance * 5%

Here 'Initial Balance' denotes the starting value of the account for each phase.

It is crucial to note that achieving the Profit Target must be accomplished without violating any other rules or parameters set for the Challenge.

The table below shows the Profit Target values for the respective Initial Balance, for Phase 2

Initial Balance

$5 000

$10 000

$25 000

$50 000

$100 000

$200 000

Profit Target  5%



$1 250

$2 500

$5 000

$10 000


John participates in the Challenge with an Initial Account Balance of $100,000, a Profit Target Percentage for Phase 2 is 5%. In this scenario, to successfully complete Phase 2, John needs to increase his Account Balance to at least $105,000 ($100,000 + ($100,000 * 5%) = $105,000), reaching a Profit Target of $5,000.
Achieving this Account Balance of $105,000 or higher, without breaching any trading rules or parameters, signifies that John has successfully passed Phase 2.



In the context of the Challenge described in the Example, if the Account Equity exceeds $108,000 (which is above the required $105,000) but upon closing all positions, the Account Balance is only $104,500, will the Profit Target be considered as met?

No, the Profit Target would not be considered as met in this scenario. To successfully pass the Challenge phase, John must achieve an Account Balance of at least $105,000, as per the Profit Target set at 5% of the initial $100,000. The Account Equity exceeding $108,000 indicates potential profit, but for the purpose of meeting the Profit Target, only the final Account Balance after closing all positions considered. Therefore, with an Account Balance of $104,500, John falls short of the required $105,00, meaning the Profit Target has not been achieved, and the conditions for completing this phase of the Challenge have not been met.


In the context of the Challenge described in the Example, if John's Account Balance reaches $106,000 (exceeding the required $105,000) but he has open positions, is the Profit Target considered to be met?

No, the Profit Target is not considered to be met if there are open positions that could potentially change the Account Balance. The Profit Target is evaluated based on profits realised from closed positions only. Therefore, until all positions are closed and the Account Balance is confirmed to be at least $105,000, the Profit Target cannot be declared as achieved. This ensures that the achievement of the Profit Target is based on realised, not potential profits.


In the context of the Challenge described in the Example, if John's Account Balance reaches $105,000, and all positions have been closed, has the Profit Target been met?

Yes, if John's Account Balance has reached $105,000, and all positions are closed, then the Profit Target is considered to have been met. The determination of meeting the Profit Target is based on the Account Balance after all positions have been closed. In this scenario, since John has no open positions and his Account Balance is equal the set target, he has successfully achieved the Profit Target for this phase of the Challenge.

Maximum Daily Loss


The Maximum Daily Loss represents the maximum allowable loss that the Account Equity cannot exceed within a single day. This value is calculated as a percentage of the Account Balance at Day Start, set at 5% for all phases, according to the formula:

Maximum Daily Loss = Account Balance at Day Start * 5%

This rule can also be referred to as the daily stop loss level. Each day at UTC+2, this parameter is reset, the Account Balance is recorded, and a daily stop loss level is established, which must not be exceeded at any point during the day.

Daily Stop Loss Level = Account Balance at Day Start – Maximum Daily Loss


For a challenge account with an Account Balance at Day Start of $100,000, the Maximum Daily Loss value is $5,000 ($100,000 * 5% = $5,000).
For a challenge account with an Account Balance at Day Start of $97,000, the Maximum Daily Loss value is $4,850 ($97,000 * 5% = $4,850).



Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day is $100,000, if at any point the Account Equity reaches a low of $96,000, has the rule been broken?

No, the rule has not been broken. The Maximum Daily Loss of $5,000 allows for the Account Equity to decrease by up to daily stop loss level $95,000 ($100,000 -$5,000). Since the lowest Account Equity of $96,000 does not exceed this $95,000. The Maximum Daily Loss has not been violated.


Assuming that John achieved a profit of $4,000 the previous day, making his Account Balance at the start of the day $104,000. If during the day the Account Equity dropped to $98,000 but ended the day, after closing all positions, at $101,000, has the rule been broken?

Yes, the rule has been broken. With the starting Account Balance of $104,000, the daily stop loss level would be set at $98,800 ($104,000 - $5,200). Since the Account Equity dropped to $98,000, which is below the daily stop loss threshold of $98,800, the Maximum Daily Loss rule was violated. The drop below this level indicates that the loss exceeded the permissible limit, even though the Account Balance recovered to $101,000 by the end of the day.


Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day was $102,000, the daily stop loss level for Maximum Daily Loss is $96,900 ($102,000 - $5,100). During the day, John achieved a profit of $4,000 on closed positions. Having all positions closed, John opened another position which at some point resulted in a $7,000 loss, reaching a level of $99,000 ($102,000 + $4,000 - $7,000). Has the rule been broken?

No, the rule has not been broken during that trading day. The crucial factor is the Account Equity's lowest level compared to the daily stop loss level. Since the Account Equity did not drop below the daily stop loss level of $96,900, the Maximum Daily Loss rule has not been violated within that day.

However, if John does not close the positions by UTC+2 and his loss remains at $7,000 into the new trading day, and assuming his Account Balance at the start of the new day was $106,000 (reflecting the previous day's closing balance and any overnight adjustments), the new daily stop loss level would be $100,700 ($106,000 - $5,300). With a loss of $7,000, his Account Equity would be $99,000 ($106,000 - $7,000), which is below the new daily stop loss threshold of $100,700. This scenario results in a breach of the Maximum Daily Loss rule for the new day because the Account Equity dropped below the daily stop loss level set for that day.

Maximum Overall Loss


The Maximum Overall Loss represents the maximum allowable loss that the Account Equity cannot exceed during the account duration. This value is calculated as a percentage of the Initial Balance, which ranges from 8% to 10%, depending on the selection made during the purchase process, calculated as follows:

Maximum Overall Loss = Initial Balance * Maximum Overall Loss Percentage

It's important to highlight that the Account Equity encompasses all closed positions, open positions, as well as any fees, commissions, and swaps.

This parameter is also identified as the account stop loss level, a critical threshold that must not be breached at any stage while the account is active.

Overall Stop Loss Level = Account Balance - Maximum Overall Loss


For a challenge account with an Initial Balance of $100,000 and a Maximum Overall Loss Percentage of 10%, the Maximum Overall Loss value is $10,000 ($100,000 *10% = $10,000). In this case ‘Overall Stop Loss Level’ is $90,000.



Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day is $96,000, if at any point the Account Equity reaches a low of $92,000, has the rule been broken?

No, the rule has not been broken during that trading day.
Since the lowest Account Equity of $92,000 does not exceed $90,000 level. The Maximum Overall Loss has not been violated.


Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day is $94,000, if at any point the Account Equity reaches a low of $89,000, has the rule been broken?

Yes, the rule has been broken. Since the equity dropped to $89,000, it has fallen below the Overall Stop Loss Level, violating the Maximum Overall Loss rule.


Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day is $94,000, if at any point the Account Equity reaches a low of $90,000, has the rule been broken?

No, the rule has not been broken, as the rule states that the 'Maximum Overall Loss' represents the maximum allowable loss that the Account Equity cannot exceed. The Account Equity reached a low of $90,000 but did not exceed the value.

Minimum Trading Days


The Minimum Trading Days parameter specifies the minimum number of trading days a trader is required to trade. For the P1 and P2 levels, this minimum is set at 4 days. To count a day as a trading day, at least one position must be opened. For positions held over multiple days, only the day on which the position was initially opened is counted as the trading day. This parameter does not apply to the Global phase.

This regulation is designed to ensure active market participation throughout the Challenge, fostering consistent trading behavior and discouraging any form of passive involvement.

It is crucial to highlight that accounts with no trading activity, defined as those without any open transactions, for 30 consecutive days will be closed. This measure is to maintain an active and vibrant trading environment by ensuring continued trader engagement.


For a Challenge account Phase 2 the Minimum Trading Days is 4.



If John opens a position on Monday and closes it on Thursday, how many trading days does this count as for John?

This counts as one trading day for the account.  Despite the position being held open across multiple days, only the day of the position's opening (Monday) is counted as a trading day according to the Minimum Trading Days parameter.


If John opens a position on Monday, opens another position on Tuesday, opens a third positionon Wednesday, and then opens another position the following Monday, has he met the Minimum Trading Days requirement?

Yes, John has met the Minimum Trading Days requirement. By opening one position each on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, and the following Monday, John has actively traded on four different days. This activity fulfills the minimum requirement of 4 trading days as specified for the P1 and P2 levels.


If John does not open another position within the last 30 days from the opening of his last position, will the rule regarding account activity be violated?

Yes, if John does not open another position within 30 days from the opening of his last position, it will violate the account activity rule. According to the regulations, it is crucial for John to maintain active trading within a specified timeframe to keep his account status active.

Maximum Daily Loss


The Maximum Daily Loss represents the maximum allowable loss that the Account Equity cannot exceed within a single day. This value is calculated as a percentage of the Account Balance at Day Start, set at 5% for all phases, according to the formula:

Maximum Daily Loss = Account Balance at Day Start * 5%

Note: For the Global account phase after first payout, the 'Initial Balance' is equal to the 'Account Balance after scaling'. This adjustment ensures that the Maximum Daily Loss reflects the updated account value, maintaining the challenge's integrity and continuity.

This rule can also be referred to as the daily stop loss level. Each day at UTC+2, this parameter is reset, the Account Balance is recorded, and a daily stop loss level is established, which must not be exceeded at any point during the day.

Daily Stop Loss Level = Account Balance at Day Start – Maximum Daily Loss


For a challenge account with an Account Balance at Day Start of $100,000, the Maximum Daily Loss value is $5,000 ($100,000 * 5% = $5,000).
For a challenge account with an Account Balance at Day Start of $97,000, the Maximum Daily Loss value is $4,850 ($97,000 * 5% = $4,850).



Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day is $100,000, if at any point the Account Equity reaches a low of $96,000, has the rule been broken?

No, the rule has not been broken. The Maximum Daily Loss of $5,000 allows for the Account Equity to decrease by up to daily stop loss level $95,000 ($100,000 -$5,000). Since the lowest Account Equity of $96,000 does not exceed this $95,000. The Maximum Daily Loss has not been violated.


Assuming that John achieved a profit of $4,000 the previous day, making his Account Balance at the start of the day $104,000. If during the day the Account Equity dropped to $98,000 but ended the day, after closing all positions, at $101,000, has the rule been broken?

Yes, the rule has been broken. With the starting Account Balance of $104,000, the daily stop loss level would be set at $98,800 ($104,000 - $5,200). Since the Account Equity dropped to $98,000, which is below the daily stop loss threshold of $98,800, the Maximum Daily Loss rule was violated. The drop below this level indicates that the loss exceeded the permissible limit, even though the Account Balance recovered to $101,000 by the end of the day.


Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day was $102,000, the daily stop loss level for Maximum Daily Loss is $96,900 ($102,000 - $5,100). During the day, John achieved a profit of $4,000 on closed positions. Having all positions closed, John opened another position which at some point resulted in a $7,000 loss, reaching a level of $99,000 ($102,000 + $4,000 - $7,000). Has the rule been broken?

No, the rule has not been broken during that trading day. The crucial factor is the Account Equity's lowest level compared to the daily stop loss level. Since the Account Equity did not drop below the daily stop loss level of $96,900, the Maximum Daily Loss rule has not been violated within that day.

However, if John does not close the positions by UTC+2 and his loss remains at $7,000 into the new trading day, and assuming his Account Balance at the start of the new day was $106,000 (reflecting the previous day's closing balance and any overnight adjustments), the new daily stop loss level would be $100,700 ($106,000 - $5,300). With a loss of $7,000, his Account Equity would be $99,000 ($106,000 - $7,000), which is below the new daily stop loss threshold of $100,700. This scenario results in a breach of the Maximum Daily Loss rule for the new day because the Account Equity dropped below the daily stop loss level set for that day.

Maximum Overall Loss


The Maximum Overall Loss represents the maximum allowable loss that the Account Equity cannot exceed during the account duration. This value is calculated as a percentage of the Initial Balance, which is 9% or 10%, depending on the selection made during the purchase process, calculated as follows:

Maximum Overall Loss = Initial Balance * Maximum Overall Loss Percentage

It's important to highlight that the Account Equity encompasses all closed positions, open positions, as well as any fees, commissions, and swaps.

For the Global account phase after first payout, the 'Initial Balance' equates to the 'Account Balance after scaling'. This adjustment ensures that the Maximum Overall Loss accurately mirrors the updated account value, upholding the challenge's integrity and continuity.

This parameter is also identified as the account stop loss level, a critical threshold that must not be breached at any stage while the account is active.

Overall Stop Loss Level = Account Balance - Maximum Overall Loss


For a challenge account with an Initial Balance of $100,000 and a Maximum Overall Loss Percentage of 10%, the Maximum Overall Loss value is $10,000 ($100,000 *10% = $10,000). In this case ‘Overall Stop Loss Level’ is $90,000.



Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day is $96,000, if at any point the Account Equity reaches a low of $92,000, has the rule been broken?

No, the rule has not been broken during that trading day.
Since the lowest Account Equity of $92,000 does not exceed $90,000 level. The Maximum Overall Loss has not been violated.


Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day is $94,000, if at any point the Account Equity reaches a low of $89,000, has the rule been broken?

Yes, the rule has been broken. Since the equity dropped to $89,000, it has fallen below the Overall Stop Loss Level, violating the Maximum Overall Loss rule.


Assuming the Account Balance at the start of the day is $94,000, if at any point the Account Equity reaches a low of $90,000, has the rule been broken?

No, the rule has not been broken, as the rule states that the 'Maximum Overall Loss' represents the maximum allowable loss that the Account Equity cannot exceed. The Account Equity reached a low of $90,000 but did not exceed the value.

Minimum Trading Days


The Minimum Trading Days parameter does not apply to the Global phase.

It is crucial to highlight that accounts with no trading activity, defined as those without any open transactions, for 30 consecutive days will be closed. This measure is to maintain an active and vibrant trading environment by ensuring continued trader engagement.


Assuming John owns an account in the Global phase of the Challenge, 31 days have passed since the last open order.



If John does not open another position within the last 30 days from the opening of his last position, will the rule regarding account activity be violated?

Yes, if John does not open another position within 30 days from the opening of his last position, it will violate the account activity rule. According to the regulations, it is crucial for John to maintain active trading within a specified timeframe to keep his account status active.

General Rules

All examples below are presented on a 100,000 account

Choose Category



In forex trading, leverage lets you handle more money than what you actually put in, boosting your chances for higher profits but also raising the risk of big losses. At Funded.Global, we offer two leverage options: a standard 1:30 and a higher option of 1:50 for those looking to trade with a bigger leverage. The leverage remains the same at every stage of the challenge and on the Global account. During the purchase, you can choose which leverage you want to trade with. There is no option to change it after purchase.


Let's assume you have a $5,000 account with Funded.Global and you decide to use the 1:30 leverage option for forex trading. This means you can control a position worth $150,000 ($5,000 multiplied by 30) with your initial $5,000 investment. If the currency pair you are trading appreciates by 1%, the value of your position would increase to $151,500 ($150,000 plus 1% of $150,000, which is $1,500). Subtracting your initial position value ($150,000) from the new position value ($151,500), your profit from this trade would be $1,500, minus any trading fees or costs. This represents a 30% return on your initial $5,000 investment, significantly higher than what you could achieve without leverage. Conversely, if the market moves against you by 1%, you would incur a loss of $1,500, effectively reducing your $5,000 investment by 30%. This example illustrates how leverage amplifies both potential profits and losses, emphasizing the importance of cautious trading and risk management.



What is leverage in forex trading?

Leverage in forex trading is a tool that allows traders to control larger positions with a relatively small amount of capital. The higher the leverage, the larger the total position you will be able to open on your account. It magnifies potential profits but also potential losses. If you want to read more detailed information about leverage in forex, visit THIS article.


How do I choose the right leverage option?

Choosing the right leverage depends on your trading strategy, risk tolerance, and experience. Beginners are advised to start with lower leverage to minimize risk.


Can I change my leverage option during the Challenge?

No, once you have selected your leverage option at the time of Challenge setup with Funded.Global, you cannot change it. It's crucial to carefully choose between the available leverage options of 1:30 for standard forex trading and 1:50 for higher leverage based on your trading strategy and risk tolerance. Remember, your decision is final once the purchase is made, emphasizing the importance of understanding the implications of your chosen leverage level beforehand.

Using EA


At Funded.Global, we fully support traders inutilizing any indicators they prefer and adopting their own trading styles on our simulated platform. We believe in the freedom of strategy, provided that:
- Trades simulate real market conditions and could be replicated on our live capital accounts.
- Traders manage risk appropriately and adhere to all our guidelines and rules.

We permit the use of Expert Advisors (EAs) as long as they comply with Funded.Global's rules, which prohibit:
- High-frequency trading EAs.
- EAs that abuse market feeds.
- Use of identical EAs or algorithms by multiple users.
- Copy Trading from third-party signals, demo account management services, and prohibited trading strategies such as arbitrage trading (latency, reverse, hedge arbitrage), tick scalping, data feed manipulation, and using emulators.

Using a copying EA is allowed within the bounds of one’s own accounts unless it involves hedging strategies. We encourage traders to develop and rely on their own trading strategies.

Please exercise caution with third-party or publicly available EAs. Your EA's parameters must be unique to your demo account to avoid flags for copy simulated trading, a violation of our terms. Such activities are subject to investigation and may lead to account sanctions.

It's also important to note that the feasibility of using EAs depends on the trading platform. For instance, DXTrade currently does not support straight forward implementation of EAs, whereas using trade copiers to replicate one's own trades from other platforms onto DXTrade or Match-Trader is permitted.

Funded.Global disallows manipulative practices such as high-frequency trading, data feed manipulation, tick scalping, and various forms of arbitrage.

Our stance ensures a fair and genuine trading environment for all users, fostering the development of skilled and ethical trading practices. This approach not only supports trader autonomy and innovation but also aligns with our commitment to maintaining a transparent and competitive market space.


John, an experienced forex trader, has devised aunique trading strategy based on moving averages and RSI indicators but lacks the programming skills to automate it. He hires a programmer to code an ExpertAdvisor (EA) that precisely executes his strategy. Since the strategy and its principles were developed by John and the EA is used solely on his Funded.Global account, this complies with the platform's guidelines. This personalized approach ensures John's trading remains within the acceptable use of EAs at Funded.Global, showcasing a responsible and innovative use of automated trading tools. 

Conversely, Sarah, another trader, purchases a popular EA from an online marketplace. The EA comes with default settings and promises high returns without a clear explanation of its trading logic. Sarah activates the EA on her Funded.Global account without understanding its mechanism or how it aligns with market conditions. This practice is discouraged by Funded.Global as it involves using an unverified strategy that may not comply with the platform's trading guidelines and could potentially lead to prohibited trading activities.



What EA’s am I not allowed to use?

You are not allowed to use EAs that engage in high-frequency trading, abuse market feeds, or replicate identical strategies across multiple users. EAs that involve prohibited trading strategies such as latency or reverse arbitrage, tick scalping, and data feed manipulation are also disallowed.


Can I use trade copiers?

Yes, you can use trade copiers within your own accounts to replicate trades from one platform to another. However, it's important to ensure that these do not involve hedging strategies and comply with all other guidelines and rules set by Funded.Global.


Can I share my EA with other traders on Funded.Global?

Sharing EAs that execute identical strategies across multiple accounts is prohibited. We encourage traders to develop and use their own strategies to maintain a fair trading environment.

News Trading


At Funded.Global, traders have two options for navigating news trading:

Add-on Purchase: Traders can buy an add-on allowing them to trade during all news events without any restrictions, applicable across all stages of the challenge and on the Global account. However, traders should be aware that slippage can occur during these periods, and they are responsible for any violations of the max drawdown rules. Profits generated during high-risk news events are not guaranteed, and traders cannot be protected from losses due to unfulfilled or adversely filled trades.

Without Add-on: This option imposes restrictions around news events. Specifically, trading is restricted for 2 minutes before and after the release of high-impact (red folder) news events. This includes opening or closing market orders and any take profit or stop losses triggered within this 4-minute window. Trading closure in this 4-minute window is forbidden across all challenge phases and the Global account and is considered a Hard Breach. For currencies directly impacted by the news marked as "High" on the Funded.Global "Calendar" dashboard, trading is forbidden. Trading is allowed during news events if you are trading currencies that are not affected by the specific macroeconomic release. Note that "All Day" events marked with a red folder are not considered restricted.


In this example, the trader has not purchased the add-on that permits unrestricted trading during news events.

Compliant Trading Scenario:
A trader is focusing on the EUR/USD pair when a significant GBP-related news event is announced. Since the news does not directly affect the EUR/USD pair, the trader is allowed to continue their trading activities without any restrictions. The trader takes advantage of the market's general volatility without violating Funded.Global's news trading rules.

Rule Violation Scenario:
Conversely, another trader, also focusing on the EUR/USD pair, decides to trade immediately before and after a critical EUR-related news event, mistakenly believing the restriction applies only to the currency explicitly mentioned in the news. This action is a clear violation of Funded.Global's rules regarding trading around high-impact news events. Trading during this time breaches the 4-minute window rule, leading to an immediate termination of the challenge. This scenario emphasizes the critical importance of understanding and adhering to the specific restrictions on trading during news events to avoid severe consequences.



Am I restricted to trade all news or only red folder ones?

If you do not have the news trading add-on, you are restricted from trading during the release of red folder (high-impact) news events. These are the times most likely to cause significant market volatility, and trading around these events is subject to restrictions without the add-on.


Where can I see the list of restricted news?

The list of restricted, high-impact news events can be found on our Economic Calendar tab within the Funded.Global dashboard, as well as on external financial calendars like https://www.forexfactory.com/calendar. These resources provide detailed information on upcoming economic announcements and their expected impact.


Can I trade immediately after a high-impact news release?

Without the news trading add-on, you are restricted from trading for 2 minutes before and after the release of a high-impact news event. This totals a 4-minute window around the news release during which trading is prohibited.

Weekend Holding


Funded.Global allows traders to hold positions overnight and over weekends. Check the "Symbols" tab for specific asset trading hours and stay alert for notifications about trading hour changes during holidays.

Be mindful of the risk posed by market gaps, particularly for Forex, Indices, Commodities which can gap at the weekend's close. Managing this risk is essential, as gaps can impact your positions both positively and negatively. Ultimately, the decision and responsibility to hold positions over the weekend lie with the trader. Funded.Global encourages effective risk management to navigate weekend trading safely.


Alex decided to hold a position in EUR/USD through the weekend. When the market closed on Friday night, her account balance stood at $102,000. However, upon the market's reopening on Monday, her balance had decreased to $101,000, a -$1,000 loss over the weekend. This change was due to a negative gap created by market movements during the time trading was halted.

This example illustrates how, despite Funded.Global allowing positions to be held over the weekend, there are inherent risks involved. Market gaps can negatively impact account balances, as seen in Alex's case. Therefore, it's crucial to maintain prudent risk management practices, even when taking advantage of the flexibility to hold positions over the weekend.



Do you allow trading crypto during the weekend?

Yes, at Funded.Global, we allow trading of cryptocurrencies during the weekend. Crypto markets operate 24/7, providing our traders the flexibility to trade these assets even outside the traditional market hours.


Are there any instruments that I am not allowed to hold over the weekend?

No, there are no restrictions on holding any specific instruments over the weekend at Funded.Global. Whether it's Forex, indices, commodities, or cryptocurrencies, traders have the freedom to maintain their positions over the weekend. However, it's important to be aware of the risks associated with potential market gaps when the traditional markets reopen.


When can I open my last trade on Friday?

You can open trades up until the market closure on Friday. The exact time will depend on the specific instrument you are trading, as different markets have different closing times. Please refer to the "Symbols" tab in our platform for detailed information on the trading hours for each asset. Remember, any trades opened on Friday can be held over the weekend if you choose, keeping in mind the weekend holding policies.

Refundable fee


Upon successfully meeting the requirements and achieving a payout from your Global account, you will receive a refund of your initial registration fee. This refund will be processed along with your first payout.


Sarah signs up for a challenge with Funded.Global and pays the initial registration fee required to start. She successfully navigates through both evaluation phases and begins trading on a Global account. Sarah continues her impressive trading performance on the Global account. Thanks to her consistent success and reaching her profit target, Sarah becomes eligible for her first payout. Along with this milestone, Funded.Global fulfills its promise by refunding Sarah's initial registration fee, making her first payout even more rewarding. This comprehensive support highlights Funded.Global's commitment to its traders' success and satisfaction.



Do you offer a 100% evaluation fee refund?

Yes, we offer a 100% refund of your evaluation fee once you successfully meet the requirements and qualify for your first payout from your Global Account.


When will I receive my refund?

Your refund will be processed and given to you together with your first payout from the account. This ensures you receive both your earnings and the refunded fee in one transaction.


Will I receive a refund if I've breached the rules on my Global Account before the first payout?

No, if you violate any rules on your Global Account before your first payout, you won't qualify for the evaluation fee refund. Following all trading rules and requirements is essential to be eligible for both your first payout and the evaluation fee refund.

Scaling Plan


At Funded.Global, we value long-term collaboration with our traders, which is why we've introduced an unlimited scaling plan that activates with every payout! This unique approach ensures that after you make a withdrawal, your account balance remains unchanged, rather than resetting to its initial value. Consequently, this increases your maximum allowable drawdown in dollar terms since it's calculated from a higher account balance. Essentially, every payout you receive scales your account upwards, enabling you to progress from a $100,000 account to potentially a $1,000,000 account. We're here to support you in reaching these ambitious goals. With each payout, we not only scale your account but also adjust your maximum drawdown level accordingly. This system is designed to empower you to enhance your trading capacity without limits and operate without boundaries.


Jordan starts with a $100,000 Global Account and, through skilled trading, increases the balance to $105,000. Upon reaching this milestone, Jordan decides to withdraw the profits. Post-withdrawal, instead of the account reverting to the original $100,000, it remains at $105,000. This new balance not only represents Jordan's enhanced trading capacity but also raises the base from which daily and initial balance drawdowns are calculated. Jordan is now better positioned for future trading with a higher threshold for risk and opportunity.



How does the scaling plan work?

After every payout, your account is scaled up to reflect your new balance, maintaining the increased amount as your new base level. This effectively raises your account's potential and maximum drawdown allowance, fostering a conducive environment for growth.


Is there a limit to how much my account can be scaled?

No, there is no upper limit to the scaling potential at Funded.Global. Your account can be scaled indefinitely with each successful payout, enabling possibilities of reaching accounts as large as $1,000,000 or beyond.


What happens to my account balance after a payout?

Your account balance remains at the level it was after your most recent payout. For example, if your account grows from $100,000 to $105,000 and you withdraw your profits, your account balance will continue from $105,000, not reverting to $100,000. This enhances your trading leverage and the base for calculating drawdowns.

Max Capital Allowed


At Funded.Global, while there's no upper limit to the size your account can ultimately reach, the maximum account value you can achieve transitioning from Phase 2 to a Global Account is $400,000. It's important to grasp two key points here:

1. Initial Maximum Through Challenge: The ceiling for account size achievable through completing our challenge is $400,000. This figure represents the aggregate total of all accounts obtained through challenges, meaning it could be comprised of various combinations such as 2x $200,000 or 8x $50,000. This initial limit is designed for traders transitioning from the evaluation stages to their first Global Account setup.

2. Unlimited Scaling Potential: Once you've established your Global Account with up to $400,000, the journey doesn't stop there. Your account has the potential for unlimited scaling beyond this point. This means that $400,000 serves merely as a milestone, not the end goal.

However, if you opt to purchase a new challenge while already holding Global Accounts that cumulatively exceed $400,000, the transition from Phase 2 to obtaining another Global Account will be put on hold until the current Global Account is no longer active. This policy ensures that our scaling process remains focused on growth and development within the existing framework, promoting both ambition and responsible trading.


Alex starts trading on a Global Account with an initial value of $200,000. Through successful trading, she scales this account to $250,000. Wanting to increase her trading capital, Alex decides to purchase an additional $200,000 account. This is permissible because, despite scaling her first account, its base value is considered $200,000, allowing her to reach the cumulative limit of $400,000 with the purchase of another $200,000 account. After acquiring this account, Alex reaches the maximum initial allocation limit. However, she can continue scaling her existing accounts without limitation. Another situation when Jeremy purchases a $200,000 challenge and, upon completion, is awarded a Global Account. Instead of scaling this account, he opts to buy two more $200,000 challenges, aiming to secure additional Global Accounts. After successfully completing both challenges, only one of these accounts is converted to a Global Account. The other remains on hold because Jeremy has reached the $400,000 cumulative allocation limit for accounts transitioning from Phase 2 to Global. The on-hold account can only become active if one of the two current Global Accounts is lost, adhering to the maximum initial allocation rule of $400,000 achieved through challenge completion.



What is the scalable max capital?

The initial max capital you can achieve directly through our challenge phases to a Global Account is $400,000. However, there's no limit to how much you can scale your Global Account(s) after reaching this point. The $400,000 serves as the threshold for initial allocations, beyond which you can expand your capital through successful trading strategies.


Can I trade on multiple accounts at the same time?

Yes, at Funded.Global, you are allowed to trade on multiple accounts simultaneously, provided the total initial allocation does not exceed $400,000. Once you have your accounts, you can manage them as you see fit, aligning with our trading rules and guidelines.


What happens if I transition to the Global phase with accounts exceeding $400,000 at the same time?

If you transition multiple accounts to the Global phase simultaneously, exceeding $400,000, only enough accounts to reach the cap will be activated. Additional accounts beyond this limit will be placed on hold until the cumulative value of active Global Accounts drops below $400,000, aligning with our maximum allocation rule.

Reward from gains


At Funded.Global, traders engaging with fictitious capital on Global Accounts have the exciting opportunity to earn real money rewards based on their trading performance. Traders are entitled to an 80% share of the profits made on their Global Account. To initiate a payout, traders can navigate to Global Account -> Payout. These are processed within 1 – 4 business days after payout details are confirmed.

Default payouts come with the option for on-demand withdrawals after 14 days from the first trade, with subsequent requests possible every 14 days post-initial payout. Withdrawals, which can be through bank transfers or cryptocurrencies, are commission-free. The minimum withdrawal is $100, and withdrawals must encompass the entire profit share.

Following a profit withdrawal, your account will be reset to its pre-withdrawal balance, allowing you to continue trading with a potentially higher starting balance. It’s important to remember that any profits on the newly scaled account will be calculated based on the new starting balance, not the one prior to scaling. For your first withdrawal from a given account, an additional 100% of the Refundable Fee will be added to the payout amount. Note that under no circumstance will you be eligible for a payout if you breach your Global Account regardless of the profitability of the Global Account.


Alex, a trader at Funded.Global, successfully navigates the trading month with a strategic approach, generating a profit of $5,000 on her $100,000 Global Account. With an 80% profit share agreement in place, Alex is entitled to $4,000 of her trading gains. She opts for an on-demand payout 30 days after her first trade, submits her payout details under the Global Account -> Payouts section, and chooses a bank wire transfer for the withdrawal. Within 4 business days, Alex receives her $4,000, showcasing the seamless process of earning and withdrawing profits at Funded.Global.



What payment methods are available?

Funded.Global offers payouts through regular bank wire transfers and cryptocurrencies, providing flexibility and convenience for our traders to receive their earnings.


What is the usual payout process time?

The payout process at Funded.Global typically takes 1 – 4 business days from the time we receive confirmation of the payout amount and the trader's detailed instructions.


Can I receive a payout if I breached an account?

No, if you breach the terms of your Global Account, you will not be eligible for a payout, regardless of the account's profitability. Adherence to all trading rules and guidelines is essential for qualifying for profit withdrawals.



The WelcomeBox is a tangible token of appreciation from Funded.Global, sent to users for their exceptional achievements. To be eligible for the WelcomeBox, a user must successfully complete both evaluation phases for an account with a minimum balance of $100,000; this can be either a $100,000 or $200,000 account. Combining two $50,000 accounts that transition to a Global Account does not meet the criteria. After successfully completing the challenge with a balance of at least $100,000, users can fill out a delivery address form for the WelcomeBox under the Rewards->WelcomeBox tab in their panel. Please note that the WelcomeBox can be claimed only once per person, emphasizing its exclusivity.

If the package is not received and is returned to Funded.Global, a second shipment can be arranged at the recipient's expense. Shipments originate from within Europe, and delivery times vary by destination country, usually between 4-10 business days. We aim to prepare and send each package within 5 working days from form submission. Each box, measuring 33.5cm x 24.5cm x 10.5cm, contains a selection of unique gadgets and a certificate of challenge completion, serving as a personal testament to your trading success and dedication.


Maria completes the evaluation phases with a balance exceeding $100,000. She updates her delivery information under the Rewards->WelcomeBox section. Within five business days, her WelcomeBox is dispatched from Europe. Maria receives her package, which includes high-quality trading gadgets and her completion certificate, within 8 business days. This WelcomeBox not only celebrates her achievement but also provides her with useful tools for her trading journey.



What qualifies me for a WelcomeBox?

Qualification for a WelcomeBox requires successful completion of the challenge with a single account balance of at least $100,000, achieved through either our $100,000 or $200,000 challenges. Merging balances from multiple accounts does not qualify.


What does the WelcomeBox contain?

The WelcomeBox is filled with an assortment of high-quality gadgets branded by Funded.Global, along with a certificate of challenge completion. These items are selected to celebrate your distinguished achievement in successfully navigating through our evaluation phases.


How long does it take to receive the WelcomeBox?

After submitting your delivery details, we aim to prepare and ship your WelcomeBox within 5 working days. Depending on your location in Europe, the delivery can take an additional 4-10 business days. You will be notified of the estimated delivery time once your package is on its way.

Our 2-Phase Challenge Model

One Challenge - many possibilities. We have provided many customization options so you can tailor the Challenge to your expectations.


Phase 1


Phase 2



Funded Global Table Coin ImageFunded Global Table Coin Image 2
Account Balance
$5 000
$10 000
$25 000
$50 000
$100 000
$200 000

Profit Target



Profit Target



Maximum Daily Loss





Maximum Overall Loss





Minimum Trading Days



4 days

Maximum Trading Days



No Time Limit


Refundable Fee

All prices - 20% with code:














See More Details


Balance Based

Global Account Reward:



1:30 / 1:50

News trading:


Account Scaling:


Weekend Holding:

Trade Copiers:

Regulated Broker:

You can choose your Trading Platform: MetaTrader 4, MetaTrader 5 or DXtrade

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